Hey Man, Scuba!

The very first concert I went to was "Endfest '94," a festival in Cleveland sponsored by the local alternative radio station, the now defunct 107.9 "The End."  Some the bands that played included Violent Femmes, L7, and (trust me, we left early) headliners Candlebox.


The entire day was plague by rain, which led to clusters of sweaty teens huddling together in merch tents during many of the performances. At one point in the day, I was huddled with a friend under a tent that was selling hippie trinkets and bracelets.  I bought a turquoise-ish hippie bracelet to commemorate my first concert, even though I had zero intention of actually wearing it.  The hippie man and woman who were running the tent were surly and stoned out of their minds. They were passing a joint back and forth (and got quite upset when I attempted to grab it, as I had presumed at one point that they were passing it to me).


Standing in the tent next to my friend and I was a girl and her boyfriend, who was wearing a Little Mermaid T-shirt.  The man happened to notice the boy's shirt, and began to laugh hysterically. "Hey man, scuba! Scuba!," he repeated over and over. The boy stared at the man, both disgusted and hurt. "SCUBA!" the man taunted, while he and woman cackled loudly. "Hey man, scuba!"


Now, I have to put this in perspective. Back in 1994, us boys did things like wear Little Mermaid T-shirts ironically, as we wanted to be sensitive Kurt Cobain-types. But even back then, I remember thinking that the boy brought this hippie freak out on himself.  If you're gonna wear a T-Shirt like that, ya gotta be able to take it when a hippie starts yelling "SCUBA!" in your face. Ya just gotta.