Download and listen! http://electricgrandmother.bandcamp.com/album/make-a-joyful-noise
Hey all you diehards! What we have here is a 100, count 'em, 100 song Anthology with songs hand selected from old Electric Grandmother cassettes spanning from the years of 1999-2002. This is an official singular release by the Infinite Number of Sounds Recording Company. The songs are in chronological order, and are arranged by each cassette "album" they appear on. With the download you will receive a .pdf of fun Electric Grandmother factoids and artwork for each cassette. And as always, this shit is free! Available now!
And speaking of shit, these songs have been remastered by Pete Faust himself, and the original (most of it, Pete drew that cover and did some other bits and pieces) artwork/packaging by Mary Alice Hamnett has been digitally restored (we scanned them).
DISCLAIMER: These songs are certainly a bit more "challenging" than the usual EG fare, and may only appeal to a certain segment due to their low-fidelity and zanyness. This ain't "Love in an Escalator."
P.S. If you ever wondered where all the Saved By the Bell songs are, they're mostly here.