If you grew up in Northeastern Ohio, you knew about the Chagrin Valley Roller Rink. It was the place to go for all your youthful 1980s romantic escapades, or just to hang out with friends. I didn't end up going there until long after I would hear the other kids talking about their good times had, so naturally I felt left out.
There was one day I was sitting with a group of kids and this girl was talking about the night before at the roller rink, and I chimed in with my own fabricated tale. She innocently remarked "I didn't see you there?," to which I triumphantly retorted "I was in the BACK with the TRANSFORMERS!," as if there was a section of the roller rink where there was a place to buy Transformers toys, or at the very least gather to play with them. The girl gave me a bewildered look, and then moved on with her life.
Mary Alice has heard this story many times, and has said that she pictures me sitting alone in an empty room of the roller rink with a deranged look on my face, mindlessly smacking the Transformers together and making a cheap plastic "Chik! Chik! Chik!" sound.